The following list of resources is not intended to be exhaustive; rather, it provides a brief introduction to finding information with a focus on Indigenous peoples and/or Indigenous research methods. For more information or assistance with locating information, please feel welcome to contact the RRU librarians.
This project demonstrates the formal rigor, validation, and approaches found within Indigenous paradigms that serve to caretake and protect the integrity of all knowledge. This resource provides concrete practices that centre Indigenous academic integrity and stem from Indigenous theory and Indigenous research, and it focuses on the principles of relationality, reciprocity and respect. (Taylor Institute of Teaching and Learning, n.d., para.1)
To locate first accounts by Indigenous peoples (e.g., interviews, oral histories, diaries):
Note that many funding bodies have ethical guidelines specific to research involving Indigenous Peoples:
To locate information written about Indigenous peoples, including materials written by Indigenous scholars (e.g., scholarly books, journal articles, conference proceedings):
If you are writing a paper, thesis, or dissertation, you may be investigating Indigenous research methods with which to approach your topic. Royal Roads’ Indigenous Education Manager, Russell Johnston, can provide advice and refer you to appropriate scholar-practitioners.
There are also many publications available to help you understand how to approach your inquiry from an Indigenous position. For an overview of the elements of the Indigenous research paradigm, please see the following core texts: